Bacteriocins are highly targeted

Microbiome Modulation

Targeted activity enables selective eradication of specific bacterial strains, carving out niches within the microbiome. This allows for the growth and flourishing of beneficial bacteria, fostering a more diverse and resilient microbial ecosystem.

Minimal Toxicity

Bacteriocins evolved to target bacteria — not human, plant, or other mammalian cells

Negligible Resistance

Specificity minimizes the chances of bacteria developing resistance, unlike broad-spectrum antibiotics which affect a wide range of bacteria, leading to increased chances of resistance development.

Reduced Collateral Damage

Selectively inhibiting bacteria reduces unintended impacts on beneficial microbiota. Broad-spectrum antibiotics can harm beneficial bacteria, disrupting the natural balance of the microbiome.

Enhanced Efficacy

Precision avoids the inefficiencies of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which can unnecessarily target non-problematic bacteria.